Message by the Principal

Dear parents, students and well-wishers, we are glad that you are on board with us for yet another academic year (2024-2025) for the education of your wards. We appreciate and thank you for the confidence you placed on us. We can never thank God enough for his magnanimity towards us for the blessings received in the past academic year (2023-2024). To His name be glory, honour and praise.

We have completed one year of our existence as Don Bosco School (with a view to obtain ICSE affiliation). More than anything, it had been an year of learning, growing and experiencing how to evolve as a better learning institution in the field of imparting knowledge and wisdom. I am glad that we had been able to complete the infrastructural requirements, gained experience in handling ICSE syllabus and mustered confidence to take forward the ICSE format and methodology. We will certainly improve in academic standards, communicative English and all other opportunities we can offer to the kids in evolving as bright intellectuals ready to soar to greater heights as global contributors.

In our Don Bosco School portals, education happens through Reason, godliness and loving kindness as envisioned by St John Bosco (Don Bosco), the patron of our institution. We focus on imparting virtue, Knowledge and excellence. Our teachers are being trained to accompany the students by demonstrating values, fear of God, and subject competency, thus moulding the students into becoming responsible citizens. The students are made to comprehend that they live in a democratic country where unity in diversity is the very fabric of their nation. Students are taught to feel that the other human person is a brother and sister and are responsible for the well-being of all. Rationality is upheld by encouraging scientific temper and at the same time create a healthy respect and space for the divine. Efforts are made to equip them with skills and knowledge that are needed to make our country progress rather than live with their petty selfish motives. This noble task is achieved through insistence on their everyday task of keeping abreast with the social happenings, fraternal relationship with their classmates and teachers, doing their daily studies, home works, project works, and note book- writing and engaging in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which are micro level boosters of responsibility.

We wish all the very best for every student, parent and teacher who enter into our premises. In this temple of learning, wisdom is made passion, concepts are comprehended through learning by doing, doubts and creativity are encouraged, healthy life-style and physical fitness are promoted. We want to promote green campus and form the students into warriors who will protect environment and increase green cover in the surroundings. We also promise to organize seminars for parents on better parenting, on handling children with special needs, understanding your child etc. We do look forward to a thrilling, and learning-filled academic year ahead for all of us. May God be with us, and with all our stake-holders. May the universe be green-filled, peace-filled and grace-filled for all forms of life to thrive.


G Chinnababu, MA., B.Ed.